Terms of Reference, Mid Term Evaluation for the project: ‘Strengthening Social Protection to prevent and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa’
Terms of Reference, Mid Term Evaluation for the project: ‘Strengthening Social Protection to prevent and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa’
1.0 Start and end date of project(January 2011- December 2013)
2.0 Geographical coverage: Mainly Southern and Eastern Africa
3.0 Background
The programme is delivered through ‘a nesting’ arrangement where HelpAge is the lead organization.
HelpAge International East, West and Central Africa regional office based in Nairobi Kenya, The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) based in Nairobi, Kenya and The Coalition for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (The Coalition) based in Toronto, Canada are jointly implementing this project.
HelpAge International (HelpAge) is a network of not-for-profit organization with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people worldwide to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of their lives.
HelpAge International strives for the rights of disadvantaged older people to economic and physical security; healthcare and social services; and support in their care-giving role across the generations. In Africa, HelpAge has a network of 33 Partner organizations and affiliates.
The Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP) was established in 2008 consisting of a group of national and regional organizations from across the African continent responding to the growing demand for “voice” and more active engagement of African civil society in shaping social protection policies, programmes, and practices.
The mission is to create partnerships with Civil Society and other organizations to engage with Governments, Regional and Continental Bodies and International Development Agencies (IDAs) to develop and implement innovative Social Protection policies, strategies and programmes in order to make a difference in people’s lives in Africa, the vision is an African continent free from poverty and vulnerability.
The Coalition on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (The Coalition) is an independent collaborative entity composed of private or public funders and re-granting organizations, from both the North and the South, that provide grants to improve the lives of young children living in the context of HIV/AIDS.
The Coalition is supported by a wider network of technical experts and civil society groups who work on children’s issues.
4.0 Building Linkages: Social Protection, Poverty and HIV&AIDS
This programme seeks to build links between risks and vulnerabilities caused by HIV and AIDS and to demonstrate the effectiveness of social protection measures in realizing the rights of vulnerable people to achieving universal access in HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support, and treatment.
These measures include livelihoods support, cash transfer programmes and universal pensions and other grants. Social protection provides access to resources to meet basic needs and HIV and AIDS and health services and prevents the transmission of intergenerational poverty often affecting older people and children.
This contributes to countries’ efforts towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and their own national development targets.
The expected results will be achieved through combined approaches linking grassroots service delivery to vulnerable groups with national and regional policy influencing processes.
It will build the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to effectively engage in social protection policy dialogue and in the design and implementation of social protection programmes.
In addition the programme will focus on building evidence for effective policy action, promoting networking and learning among civil society, government, and research and academic institutions.
A seminal research study is being undertaken by the University of London in collaboration with Stellenbosch University to research the effects of community based programming on the situation of children affected by AIDS.
The project has four result areas:
1. Universal access to HIV and AIDS services and Social Protection Mechanisms for Vulnerable groups is increased
2. Regional and National level HIV&AIDS {Addressing the needs of older people and their dependants} and SP policies and related [policies] plans and budgets increasingly incorporate measures which address the needs of vulnerable groups.
3. Increased participation of Civil Society organisations in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of National and Regional HIV and AIDS and Social Protection policies and strategies
4. Evidence on effective {Effectiveness in this case is defined as policy action with clearly earmarked resources} action contributing to the achievement of universal HIV&AIDS and SP services gathered, documented and shared and acted on among CSOs, Governments and other stake holders
The programme has reached two thirds of its implementation period and an agreed Mid- term review will therefore take place between January to March 2013.
5.0 The purpose of the Midterm evaluation
The purpose of the midterm evaluation is to assess the effects of the project on the target population and policies and analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives in relation to the changing political, economic, social scenarios.
The midterm evaluation report will be used in guiding the remaining implementation period as well as the development of future programming.
The main objectives and scope of the midterm evaluation are to:
a) Assess the extent to which the methods and approaches employed in the programme are effectively guiding us to achieving the results and overall objective and make recommendations accordingly(including recommendations for what a possible two-year extension would benefit from, in terms of achievement of results and impact)
b) Assess effectiveness of the ‘nesting approach’ in grants administration, building synergies and enhancing learning(Including how the nesting approach has benefited or added value to the overall project and its goals.Any suggestions for possible improvements)
c) Establish how issues of human rights, older persons, gender, persons with disabilities and children are being addressed by the project and effects of the project on these populations.
d) Assess the extent to which the project contributes to Sida Strategy for HIV in Africa(including any ways in which this could be enhanced/increased in future)
e) Identify emerging good practices or models in the project that can be documented and showcased for possible scale up and replication.
f) Assess the value for money principle in ensuring that grant is maximised to improve the quality of life of vulnerable populations (Children, People with disability, older people and their households).
6.0 Consultant’s Profile
6.1 Core competencies
- Ability to research, collate and synthesize a range of information and data (qualitative and quantitative) into useful, strategic and practical analysis and recommendations.
- Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people within Government, development agencies at various levels and UN/international agencies
- Demonstrates sensitivity, tact and diplomacy, and projects a positive image
- Able to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner and protocol appropriately
- Managerial experience in organizational development including granting making through consortia
- Ability in using online data collection tools across the globe
- Ability to write high quality and concise technical reports with high proficiency in written and spoken English, within agreed terms of reference and deadlines.
6.2 Education and Experience:
- At least 10 years of relevant and diversified professional experience in international development (social protection, poverty reduction programmes, HIV&AIDS, psycho social support, social research, organizational development)
- Proven experience in conducting, evaluations of complex development programmes in HIV and AIDS, social protection, policy analysis and research
- Excellent knowledge and skills on issues of international development in relation to Africa
- Strong knowledge on rights based approaches to programming
- Proven experience in participatory reviews and research, and capacity assessments.
7.0 Expression of interest
All interested consultants/firms are requested to write an expression of interest by:
a) Explaining their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment
b) Explain in details the methodology to be used in carrying out the assignment
c) Provide a detailed professional budget in USD (Indicate daily professional rates)
d) Provide duration of the assignment and when ready to undertake the assignment.
e) Provide evidence of similar work undertaken in the recent past (Not more than 3 years)
8.0 Tax Liability: Settlement of any tax liability arising from this agreement will remain the responsibility of the consultant.
Deadline for application: 30th November 2012
Please send your application by email to: HelpAge@HelpAge.co.ke
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