SAPCONE Baseline Survey to Establish Civic Awareness and Participation Levels in Turkana North TOR for Consultancy
Terms of Reference for Consultancy
Baseline survey to establish civic awareness and participation levels in Turkana North
SAPCONE is a leading membership indigenous organization that champions positive social change through institutional capacity enhancement, village development Projects, child welfare programs and protection of girl child to enrich people lives today and those of generation to come.
Baseline survey to establish civic awareness and participation levels in Turkana North
SAPCONE is a leading membership indigenous organization that champions positive social change through institutional capacity enhancement, village development Projects, child welfare programs and protection of girl child to enrich people lives today and those of generation to come.
SAPCONE is an acronym for St. Peters Community Network-Northern Kenya,
is a Local NGO located in Turkana North, and was registered in March
2011. The organization is a network of 9 CBOs; all based in Turkana
North, and is governed by 11 council members.
Through a grant received from KCDF (Kenya Community Development
Foundation), SAPCONE intends to implement a civic education project that
will be coupled with supporting the target community members to get
registered as voters in preparation for the 2013 elections.
KCDF and SAPCONE have commissioned a baseline study to facilitate
understanding of the current levels of civic awareness and
Information obtained from this study is expected to guide the latter’s
interventions, and will serve to provide baseline data against which
performance will be gauged.
Main objective of the consultancy
The main objective of the consultancy is to establish the awareness and participation levels surrounding issues that touch on the new Kenyan constitution e.g. the rights and freedoms of Kenyan citizens, the devolved government system and legal provisions that seek to promote peaceful co-existence in Kenya.
Main objective of the consultancy
The main objective of the consultancy is to establish the awareness and participation levels surrounding issues that touch on the new Kenyan constitution e.g. the rights and freedoms of Kenyan citizens, the devolved government system and legal provisions that seek to promote peaceful co-existence in Kenya.
The survey will also seek to find out the proportion of the target
population that have been registered as voters,and previous
participation in the election process.
Main tasks of the consultancy
Main tasks of the consultancy
The consultant will be expected to carry out the following tasks;
- Undertake a desk review of past research and evaluation papers, documented lessons learned and best practices, and current strategies in enhancing civic knowledge and civic participation, and peace promotion interventions in Turkana, or other similar environments.
- Participate in pre-testing draft data collection tools developed by KCDF, and provide input in refining of the same.
- Coordinate the data collection exercise which will involve supervision of 5-7 enumerators, back-checking tools submitted by each enumerator to ensure that they are duly filled and providing support to each of the enumerators to enhance the quality of their work.
- Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) to enhance the quality of data.
- Carry out data entry and analysis, preferably using SPSS.
- Develop a report reflecting the findings of the survey and make recommendations on the best strategies to be used in addressing the problem identified.
The consultant will be expected to keep both the KCDF M&E officer
and SAPCONE officials updated on daily progress and challenges
encountered to ensure that they are promptly and effectively addressed
so as not to compromise on the quality of the exercise.
By the end of this exercise, the consultant will be expected to deliver to KCDF and SAPCONE a soft copy of the survey report.
The report should be provided using the following format;
a. Preliminary section: Aside from the cover page, the report should include an acknowledgement of the people who made the survey successful, a table of contents, a list of tables, a list of figures, and an abstract.
a. Preliminary section: Aside from the cover page, the report should include an acknowledgement of the people who made the survey successful, a table of contents, a list of tables, a list of figures, and an abstract.
b. Main body: This section will have five main sub-sections i.e.
Introduction, Literature review, Study design, Analysis of data, and
Summary section.
c. An annex of all the literature cited in the literature review
presented as a bibliography, as well as the tools used in the survey.
The consultancy will take a maximum of 10 working days beginning 10th September 2012. The consultant will therefore be expected to develop a work-plan that fits within this duration.
The consultancy will take a maximum of 10 working days beginning 10th September 2012. The consultant will therefore be expected to develop a work-plan that fits within this duration.
A daily consultancy fee of Kshs. 10,000 will be paid for the exercise.
Logistical support that covers costs related to travel, meals and
accommodation will be provided by SAPCONE.
Evaluation and award of consultancy
Evaluation and award of consultancy
Interested consultants should submit their CV to the undersigned, not later than30th August 2012 for consideration;
Amoni Thomas Amfry
St. Peter’s Community Network-Network (SAPCONE)
Amoni Thomas Amfry
St. Peter’s Community Network-Network (SAPCONE)
SAPCONE and KCDF will review all CVs and award the contract based on technical feasibility, and reserves the right to accept or reject any CV received without offering an explanation.
SAPCONE and KCDF will review all CVs and award the contract based on technical feasibility, and reserves the right to accept or reject any CV received without offering an explanation.
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