KHRC Communications Audit Consultancy Opportunity in Kenya
Kenya Human Rights Commission
"struggling for a Kenya without human rights violations"
"struggling for a Kenya without human rights violations"
Communications Audit Consultancy
A. Purpose
To conduct an evaluation of KHRC’s ability to receive and transfer information, in the context of the organization's external and internal communication capabilities.
The communication audit exercise ultimately aims to assess the KHRC’s communication approach, uncover the strengths and weaknesses within the various stages of KHRC’s organisation’s information transfer with all its publics; assess the organisation’s internal communication systems, between all staff levels as well as between staff, interns; volunteers; and stakeholders including clients, collaborative partners, development partners, the media and the public in general.
As well as develop an effective communication strategy for the organisation.
B. Terms of Reference
I. Externally:
1. Carry out the audit within the framework of KHRCs mandate.
Evaluate the previous activities, channels and tools used to communicate, raise awareness and build public consensus, and identify ways to make communication with various stakeholders more effective.
For this reason, key people will have to clarify the purpose for the organization's existence, its cultural values and its identity.
They will know exactly who uses their service and why.
They will also understand the key frustrations of their customers and must ensure they can use communications to deal with those frustrations effectively.
2. To assess the organization’s communications goals in accordance with its current vision, mission, policy standards and requirements and identify target audience perceptions and motivators.
This will entail:
a) Assessing the communications infrastructure of the KHRC, the communications capacity both within and outside the organization;
b) Assess the organisation’s current communication strategy if any;
c) Assess the level of understanding of the local communications channels and the media about the organization’s mandate and determine the best mediums of channels to reach each audience segment;
d) Identify the organisation’s communication needs including personnel requirements;
e) Identify training components to help all staff develop and carryout strategic communications activities which would include training in communications and media skills, research and analysis and strategy development to improve staff communication skills
f) Identify key officials who will be designated spokespersons for the organization.
g) Develop an effective communication strategy for the organisation which will include systems for monitoring its responsiveness and capacity for delivery.
II. Internally:
To appraise attitudes towards the communications channels (meetings, reports and feedback) with a view to make recommendations requisite to meet the needs of different groups (the most appropriate way to deliver training, for example) and identify gaps; challenges and strengths.
Expected Outputs
1. A report that includes a summary of preliminary findings on the communications needs and terms of reference for the communications works. This also includes a specific set of recommendations on strategy, research needs, capacity building and structure. The report should contribute towards the organization’s communication strategy.
2. A strategic positioning and corresponding communications framework that is focused on achieving important communications objectives including brand recognition, modifying perceptions, maximizing outreach, encouraging community support, improving web page search results and establishing leadership in the sector, with recommendations on how to improve relationships with the media
3. A clear communications strategy including a framework for a comprehensive communication programme by identifying the audiences to be reached, attitudinal or behavioural changes required for the organisation to be successful, appropriate messages, effective channels of communication, and the methods of monitoring and evaluating the communication process.
4. An outline to enable coherence and coordination within the organization:
a) Recommendations ideally with reference to communication between departments so that everyone has access to necessary and relevant information in a timely fashion.
a) Recommendations ideally with reference to communication between departments so that everyone has access to necessary and relevant information in a timely fashion.
b) Recommendations for improvement of informal and formal communication at all staff levels
c) Recommendations to take into account the organization’s projects, implementation partners and community engagements to avoid any misunderstandings
Knowledge & Skills requirements
- Bachelor's degree (Master's degree preferred) in Communications or Journalism with 5 years’ experience in a related field with success managing communications.
- A keen attention to detail combined with a strategic mindset and the ability to prioritize and manage a variety of tasks simultaneously.
- Have a clear understanding of both internal and external communications; corporate communications; development communications and human rights communications; crisis communications; and media relations and public affairs
- Demonstrated understanding of new communications technologies and concepts such as Sharepoint, web design and content; social media/online networks and tools (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, others) in corporate and development communications
- Demonstrated experience in NGO and project work f) Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and meet targeted deadlines.
- Must be a professional, extremely organized, enthusiastic and flexible who can work independently
Deliverables and Timelines
Work will begin in February 2013.
The end of the contract will be determined as work is on-going.
Application Procedures
If you meet the criteria above submit an application to by 15th February 2013 that includes:
- Your company profile
- Resumes of the key personnel to handle this assignment.
- 3 Professional referees of whom you have done a similar assignment for.
Costing based on the work described above
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